Wake up at 5:00am and catch the first bus on 5:30am. Arrive Royal Garden at 6:20am
- Total 6 guests:
1) William , Offset Printing (Cypress)
2) Philic , Investigation (Cypress)
3) Denis , Innovator (Cypress)
4) Thomas, Litigation and Conveyancing (Cookie)
5) Stella , Organic Supplement (Lung)
6) Jenny, Genesage (Clayton)
Dr. Kevin Chan (Dentist) demonstrate how to enhance the skills of 60 seconds presentation
- Rebecca confirm to left this week.
- Jenny and William confirm to join this week and altogether there is 13 core members now !!
- 21 June 2013 is the official launch day of Sunshine Chapter.
2nd Core Meeting (12 April 2013)
3rd Core Meeting (19 April 2013)
4th Core Meeting (26 April 2013)